学习压力比较大怎么办? 当自己感觉到学习压力很大的脊扰时拿启候, 可以去听听自己喜欢的音乐, 舒缓一下自己紧张的心情, 也可以到处去散散步平缓一下焦虑的心理, 还可以做出自己喜欢的运动消野如释放一下压抑的情绪
- 制定合理的学习计划:制定一个详细的学习计划,将学习任务分解成小块,制定截止日期。这样可以使学习目标更具可管理性。
- 时间管理:学会有效地管理时间,确保有足够的时间来学习和休息。使用时间管理工具,如日历或待办事项列表,可以帮助你跟踪任务和截止日期。
- 设定优先级:确定哪些任务最重要,首先完成它们。不要让次要的任务阻碍你完成重要的学习目标。
- 避免拖延:拖延只会增加压力岁念。尽量养成及时开始工作的习惯,即使你不感觉到最佳状态。
- 分配时间给休息和娱乐:休息和娱乐对身心健康至关重要。定期休息和锻炼,有助于缓解压力和提高注意力。
- 寻求支持:与家人、朋友或同学分享你的感受。有时倾诉可以减轻心理压力。
- 学会说不:不要接受过多的任务或承诺乎野困,确保你有足够的时间来处理学业。
- 寻求帮助:如果学习问题持续存在,考虑咨询学业顾问、导师或心理医生,他们可以提供专业的支持和建议。
- 练习放松技巧:学习一些放松技巧,如深呼吸、冥想或瑜伽,有助于降低焦虑和压力水平。
- 设定合理的期望:不要对自己设定过高的期望,明白学习是一个渐进的过程,每个人都会遇到挑战。
- 寻找学习脊绝伙伴:与同学合作学习,分享知识和经验,可以让学习过程更轻松和有趣。
- 回顾目标和动机:时不时地回顾你的学习目标和动机,确保你清楚为什么要学习,这有助于保持动力。 最重要的是,要记住,压力是正常的,但你可以通过适当的策略和自我照顾来管理它,以确保你在学习过程中取得成功并保持身心健康。如果你感到过度焦虑或沮丧,不要犹豫寻求专业的心理健康支持。
College Stress
Before entering college , We were told that college life is totally free without any stress. But after experiencing two years in college, I find we are cheated. Stress is filled in every corner of the college campus. I can feel its exist every now and then.
In fact, college stress lies in three aspects:academic stress, financial stress and personal stress.
Academic stress is the first stress for a student as well as a college students. Just like the financial achievement for work people, academic achievement is a core evaluation for students. In recent education, academic achievement has been put to the first priority. The whole society, schools, teachers and parents focus to much on the academic achievement. In fact, this is the problem in our current evaluation system. Under this kind of system, how can students avoid the big stress? Of course not. They have to carry on so much of it. Too much stress does no good to their academic performance as well as heathy development. As we can see, there are more and more students killing themselves to get rid of terrible academic stress. So we’d better to make a change in the current evaluation system by reducing some attention on academic achievement. Instead, we should focus on more about overall abilities of students.
There are also financial stress on college students. For most college students, it is the fist time for them to manage money for free. With too much freedom, many of them have no clear plan for their money. As a result, they may use up of all their money early in the month. So, before their parents give them money in the next month, they are in big financial stress. They have to spare every penny to make the ends meet. Sometimes they even have no money for food, not to mention clothes or entertainment. But they still want to keep up with others. So they take all kind of measures to satisfy their dignity, such as borrow money from friends, loan in the bank or even steal their roommates. Except for the students who can not make the end meet, there are some students whose family is too poor to give them enough money. For those students, they may be under greater financial stress.
As for the personal stress, the reasons come from many aspects such as appearance and relationship. College students, especially girls focus more on their appearance. They spend a large amount of money on clothing, make ups and so on. For those in rich families, they can afford such an expanse. While for those in poor families, if they also follow with the fashion, they must be in great pressure. The relationship stress mainly refers to girl friend or boy friend relationship. Students may feel lack of face if they haven’t gotten a girl friend or boy friend yet. Under this kind of stress, they are in a great hurry in looking for another part, thus they may make false choice.
In fact, stress can benefit college students as long as it is controlled at a certain level. So the first thing for college students is to set clear goals for future. Only in this way, can they focus on promoting themselves instead of being interfered by external environment.