
好评语句 12 0
It aims tolimit the unlimited to the limit, to see the small, but see big, to limit theinfinite, to enrich the garden content and level. In terms of shape, sound,color and aroma, it can highlight the artistic ...


The thick, delicious broth has a persistent aroma. You can throw in tofu and other vegetables and eat it hot-pot style.香浓美味的汤香味很持久,你可以像吃火锅一样,在汤中下些豆腐和其他蔬菜吃。


再如,“芳芳”牌口红若直译成“Fangfang”让英语读者联想到毒蛇的牙齿并兴致全无,用“Aroma”或“Fragrance”进行变通则可以避免尴尬。2.3 注重创新翻译。

看来题主是大波的常客,从去年开始吧行政楼层开始换了aroma active,我本人之前没有用过也没用接触过这个品牌,但是用了一次之后被洗发水独特的味道吸引了,找了好久网上都没有相关的购买渠道,当然我直接上了AA的官网。

You hold the rose to your nose with just one finger and thumb, sniff the rose deeply and then say theline ‘Ah, the sweet aroma of my mistress.‘" The actor is thrilled. All day long before the play he‘s ...

答案是:英语中是没有swiming这一单词形式,只有swim和swimming,它们的区别为:词性不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、词性不同 1.swim 解析:swim是动词原形,又是名词。2.swimming 解析:swimming是动词swim的现在分词。


My Dream My dream is to have robots.In 2345, there are many robots in the world. Every family has more than one robot. Everyone can make different robot, it’s popular in the world. I have thre...



2、In the Saxe Castle in the Loire Valley, you can feel the intense aroma of red fruits with Balzac.卢瓦尔河谷萨榭城堡里,同巴尔扎克一起感受红果的辛烈香味。